Managing my Profile

Helga allows you to manage your profile settings such as your name, your contact information and your picture. Helga also allows you to change your password here. To access your profile information, click the settings menu drop-down, and select your name.

Field Description
First Name You can provide your first name here.
Last Name You can provide your last name here.
Mobile You can provide your mobile number here.
You can provide your direct phone number here.
E-Mail You can provide your e-mail address here.
Password You can provide your existing password here.
New Password You can provide your new password here, if you want to change your password.
Confirm New Password You can confirm your new password here, if you want to change your password.
Departments You can select the department to which you want to have access, by selecting the appropriate department here.

Information This can be set and modified only by the super admin. For all other user roles, this section is de-activated.